The Collection Catalogue Online of the Graphische Sammlung ETH Zürich

The website offers online access to the Collection Catalogue of the Graphische Sammlung ETH Zurich. Its collection of prints, drawings, artist books, photographs and multiples – in all more than 160,000 objects – are being catalogued and made accessible online successively in a concentrated project in the coming years. There will be regular additions and updates to the catalogue and image databases. For further information and an insight into our digital research and outreach projects, please see digitisation.

The Collection Catalogue Online will offer several search options:

  1. The search function can be used for full-text searches in the published entries of the database as well as complex queries. Some of the artworks are indexed with iconclass notations, which can also be accessed via the full-text search.
  2. On the home page, a selection of randomly chosen works from the catalogue that change daily offers an alternative access to the collection.
  3. An alphabetical index of creators’ names allows access to the persons and institutions represented in the Collection Catalogue Online who were involved in a work event. The entries on creators listed in the Lexicon and Database on art in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein can be accessed directly by clicking on the corresponding icon SIKART Logo.
  4. The section Themes presents selected groups of works from the collection with a thematic focus. They are each accompanied by a short catalogue entry.
  5. Search results can be saved in a portfolio. A printout can be created via a corresponding link at the end of the list. It is not yet possible to save the portfolio permanently.

The Collection Catalogue Online is a service offered by the Graphische Sammlung ETH Zürich. Interested parties may visit the Study Room in order to examine and study works directly. Visits are possible from Monday to Friday, by . Please specify which works you wish to consult (inventory number, name of the artist(s), and title(s) of the work or groups of works). Please visit us only after you have received a confirmation. Thank you very much.

Part of the holdings of the Graphische Sammlung ETH Zurich are published in the Graphikportal, an international art historical database for drawings and prints. It is operated by the Documentation Center for Art History - Bildarchiv Foto Marburg, an institution of the Philipps-Universität Marburg.

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